Punchpass By The Numbers: What’s Typical & Where’s Your Opportunity?
We dug in to find the most popular features and settings across the Punchpass community. Come and learn where you stand!
Your business is as unique as you are, and you have your own twist on how to run things.
But have you ever wondered what everyone else is doing?
We dug into the data to find the most popular features and settings across the Punchpass community of businesses.
We thought you might like to know what we uncovered so you can think about where you stand in relation to the rest of our fabulous users.
Join our webinar where you’ll learn:
– The most popular settings among Punchpass users
– Some typical attendance numbers
– The most popular class offerings
– Common pass settings and pricing
– Punchpass features you may be missing out on!
Join us!
Try Punchpass for 14 days, on us. No credit card required.