We get asked about Mindbody Online a lot. Ever heard of them? If you’ve spent any time around fitness or yoga studios, it’s a silly question. They are by far the biggest player in the fitness center software industry. At Punchpass, we are MindBody competitors…though we operate very, very differently.
MindBody Competitors? We Don’t Spend Our Day Thinking About It.
To be perfectly honest, we don’t spend a lot of our time thinking about Mindbody. We find it much more productive to focus on what our customers need instead – simple, well-priced software to manage your customers, their passes, and attendance. Our customers tell us that we hit the sweet spot – Punchpass is much cleaner than paper or spreadsheets and way easier to learn and manage than software like Mindbody that costs too much & is a pain to learn.
If You’re Wondering How We Compare, We’ll Give You Our Thoughts On The Matter
Though our day to day lives are spent focused on our customer needs & not our competitors, we have to admit that get an awful lot of inquiries from folks who are looking for a less expensive & less complicated Mindbody competitor. And they want to know why Punchpass is better. In that spirit, we recently drew up some reasons to consider Punchpass as a great alternative to Mindbody.