The COVID-19 pandemic has doused the world with a tidal wave of financial uncertainty. This includes you, the owner of a fitness business, and your clients.
With your own business in a state of upheaval, you need to earn money from your classes to keep your business viable. Your usual studio space may be unused (or hardly used), but the rent is still due every month.
And your services are still super valuable to those who participate — even if you’re currently offering classes online via zoom or giving access to your recorded classes using your content library.
While many of your clients can still pay full price (and happily do), some of your customers want to attend your classes but can’t afford the usual rates.
How do you provide just the right balance you’re looking for?
Donation-based passes are a great solution to this dilemma. You can define an acceptable range of payment for a pass — say, $25 to $30 — and your clients can select the amount that they can afford & pay online. It’s a sliding scale that works for everyone.
So you can sell your passes online with Stripe, and folks can pay what they can afford. Everyone contributes, and everyone benefits. Here’s how to offer donation-based passes in Punchpass.
In times like these, flexibility is key to maintaining trust and nurturing long-term relationships with your clients. Good relationships keep us happier and healthier, and providing support to others is a worthwhile investment. 💛💛