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Victoria's True Blue Moves With Punchpass

Effortlessly transition your dance studio from Mindbody to Punchpass with Victoria, Punchpass' expert support lead. Get started today!

Guest Author


July 13, 2023

Hi there,

My name is Victoria and I wanted to introduce myself to you more personally as both the head of onboarding and support at Punchpass, but also as a dance instructor who helped her studio make the switch from Mindbody to Punchpass.

I fell back in love with dancing when I started taking adult dance classes after moving to a new city. I met friends there and found a supportive community where I felt comfortable exercising and expressing myself. I would get frustrated sometimes using the Mindbody app to sign up for classes because I was constantly getting promotions from other fitness studios in the area. The app was encouraging me to go elsewhere when I really wanted to just stick with my studio. I was annoyed on the studio’s behalf because the tool they were using was trying to take business away from them, and I wanted my studio -my happy place- to stick around!

Once I became an instructor, my frustrations increased. I have limited spots in my classes and waitlists were super important to the booking process. However, my students were getting confused by the emails they were receiving and often came to the class when they hadn’t actually gotten off the waitlist. Turning people away after they had driven to the studio and made my class a priority in their day was so uncomfortable. I didn’t want that negative experience to taint their feelings about my classes.

Luckily, my studio owner had been talking to me about Punchpass. Knowing about my experience with the company, we sat down to discuss the pros and cons of making the switch. We worked together to download the reports from Mindbody and I showed her how easy it was to get the schedule and passes set up in our system. We even made some changes to the studio policies that she had been wanting to do, but it never felt like the right moment before.

Updating the policies and making the switch was a bit of work at that moment, but it has really helped the experience for our instructors and students. We don’t have people showing up unless they have a spot in the class, my older students have told me how much easier it is for them to login and book classes with Punchpass, and our studio owner is thrilled at the price point. Punchpass is saving her hundreds of dollars each month.

As for me, I know exactly what it takes to make the switch, and I know how instructors and students work with the system on a daily basis. I’m so proud to be a member of the Punchpass Community, both as a team member and as an instructor. Our team understands and cares about how a class management system can make or break your day, and your business. We are always looking for feedback and we take the community’s input seriously.

I hope you’ll find Punchpass to be a great fit for your business and I look forward to speaking with you in our chat or during a support call. If you need any help or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to hear about your business and what your needs are to see if Punchpass is a good fit!

Thanks so much for your time reading this, I am so glad I get to share my story with you 😊
