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Referral Program Terms & Limitations

How our Referral program works, as well as any details on limitations and restrictions.

Updated: April 2, 2024

The Punchpass Referral Program is designed to encourage existing clients to refer new clients to the Punchpass platform, and provides a reward for both parties in the event of a successful referral.  Here are the details on how it works, as well as limitations to the program. 


  • The referrer is the existing Punchpass user who has a referral code and who shares it.  A referral code is only available to users set up with access to the administrative side of the Punchpass application.  ‘Customers’ – users who access Punchpass for the purpose of interacting with a studio who is a client of Punchpass – are not eligible for the referral program and are not provided a code.
  • The referree is the business that is referred to Punchpass and who signs up for a trial.  We may also refer to that business as the ‘prospect‘ in the terms below.

How It Works:

When a prospect clicks on the custom referral URL that has been shared with them by a referrer, a cookie with the referral code is saved on their computer.  If the prospect then signs up for a Punchpass trial within 90 days, then the referral code is saved to their trial account.  Should the prospect sign up for a paid Punchpass account, and keep an active subscription for 3 consecutive months, we (Trillo, Inc.) will pay the referrer a $150 USD reward.


The Referred Client: Punchpass will reward the referree with 10% off their first year of their Punchpass subscription costs. 

The Referring User: Punchpass will pay $150 USD for any referred client, provided that client becomes a paying Punchpass account and pays for 3 consecutive months of service.  This means a referral payment will not be made until at a minimum 3.5 months after a referred client signs up for a trial.  Due to our pro-ration policy for annual plans, this timeline does not change if the referred client pays annually up-front.

Who is Eligible?

The referring user is eligible for the cash reward.  While the referring user works for a business that is a client of Punchpass, it is the individual referrer who is eligible for the reward, NOT the business they work for.  If the referrer is the owner of that business, the reward can optionally be distributed as a credit note on the business’s Stripe account to pay for Punchpass.

At the moment the only people eligible for the referral program are administrative users of active Punchpass clients.  If you believe you would be a good candidate for the referral program and are not associated with a current Punchpass client, please contact us.

Claiming Rewards:

The Referred Client: A 10% off for a year coupon is applied automatically to their Stripe account when they sign up for Punchpass. The coupon is applied immediately to their first payment – they do not need to be a client for 3 months in order to claim the discount.

The Referring User: Payment can be remitted two ways.  First via PayPal – this means the referrer must have a PayPal account in order to receive a referral payment.  Alternatively, we can apply a Stripe credit note to a Punchpass customer account, to offset any future Punchpass subscription charges. Those are the only two ways to claim a referral payment.


  • The referrer cannot work for, own, or be associated with the referred client.
  • Our cookie works on a last touch basis, which means if the prospect clicks on a different referral URL after clicking on yours, the saved code will be overwritten with the new referral URL code. 
  • If the prospect signs up for a trial on a different device from where they originally clicked on the referral code, we will be unable to track that as a referral.  If you believe someone you referred has signed up and you have not received communication regarding a referral, please contact support with more information.
  • This referral program is NOT retroactive for previous referrals.  It only applies to referrals made after April 2, 2024
  • Referrers are prohibited from ‘spamming’ anyone with their referral code (mass emailing, texting, or messaging people you do not know using automated systems or bots.)
  • Referral codes should not be published on commercial websites like coupon websites, affiliate program sites, etc.
  • Referrers are prohibited from paying to advertise their referral code links.
  • If Paypal is not available in your country, or you do not have a Paypal account, a Stripe credit note will be applied to your associated Punchpass subscription.
  • Punchpass (Trillo, Inc.) has the final say in whether a referral reward is appropriate or not.