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Punchpass, a user-friendly alternative to Momence

Thinking about whether Punchpass or Momence is right for your studio or business? You’re in the right spot! Here are our thoughts on the differences between the two products and companies.

No Long Term Contracts
Exceptional Support
No Extra Fees
Don’t sweat it. We got you.

What’s the difference between Punchpass and Momence?

In a word – simplicity. Momence is certainly easier to use than something like MindBody…..but it has a lot of functionality, and the end result is a complicated product. Some of that complexity is because it can do things Punchpass cannot – for example there is a whole leads & marketing suite you can add on (for a price!!). But that complexity leads to a product that often does more than you want or need….and you have to pay for that.

Momence is clearly going after larger studios and trying to be a direct competitor to MindBody. Punchpass is designed for smaller independent studios who don’t need everything MindBody (or Momence) has.

Seven reasons why studios use Punchpass instead of Momence

1) We’ve been serving customers in the fitness space for over 10 years

Momence used to be called Ribbon, which focused on online events (including but not exclusively yoga.) Punchpass started by helping small independent Zumba studios and has been a part of the fitness world for over 10 years. That’s given us more time to find all the different edge cases, and build a product that works for a wide range of studios. We aren’t changing our focus. Momence has shown they can and will – where will that leave your studio?

2) Less Expensive and NO credit card add-on fees

At first glance the pricing between Momence and Punchpass seems similar. Actually you can’t do a first glance, because Momence requires you to talk to them first. 🧐 But where Momence really adds up is the extra credit card fees. An extra 1% in 🇺🇸 or 🇨🇦. That adds a significant bump, especially as your studio grows. There are also numerous ‘add-ons’ within Momence and your total bill will be higher than you originally expected! The last few clients we have transitioned from Momence ➡️ Punchpass were paying more than $250/month and saved significant money by moving to Punchpass.

Bottom line – Punchpass does not add any credit card fees on top of Stripe, and our pricing is transparent.

3) Punchpass is Simpler to Use

We continue to hear from clients that Punchpass is far and away the simplest software for them, and their customers(!) to use. While Momence is definitely a heck of a lot better than something like Mindbody…it’s not actually that intuitive. Simple examples – passes remain active after they are full, subscriptions can be non-recurring (so why is it a subscription?).

There are a LOT of features, and it’s not often clear where to go to find something. Doing regular everyday tasks (like navigating to a customer’s account to do something) just takes more clicks.

And don’t forget that when you choose software for you, you’re also choosing what your customers interact with! Make it too hard, too confusing? They simply won’t use it.

4) Better reporting around memberships and active passes

Clients of ours who have moved from Momence have reported it’s particularly hard to get a good overview of all your active memberships and currently active passes. In Punchpass those are core reports – which passes are active, which passes are expiring or almost full, and comprehensive membership management. The standard ‘playbook’ for many studios is to have an intro offer, and then get the regular customers on a recurring membership. That’s a great model! But you want to make sure you have the tools in place to manage those memberships.

5) We won’t hassle you – low/no sales pressure

“They won’t stop hassling me..” is something we hear from clients and prospects quite a bit, about a few different competitors. (See ‘Investor Pressure’ below) We think our product and our support speak for themselves. In a lot of cases Punchpass is a great fit – but sometimes it’s not.

We’ll do our best to tell you what we think – we don’t overpromise around here. That’s one reason we do free discovery calls. The point is to discover if there might be a fit, not be some sort of gatekeeper to upsell you.

Actual customer quote about Momence hassling them to switch from Punchpass.

6) No long term contracts!!

We have heard from numerous clients or prospects who have believed the hype, and signed a long term contract with Momence. They (the one’s we heard from!) deeply regret it. Here’s an actual quote from a customer who is, ahem, kinda mad.

Quote from a customer who signed a long term contract with Momence and deeply regrets doing so.

We do NOT require or push long term contracts, and you can cancel at any time. Not only that, if you decide to pay for Punchpass annually you can still cancel at anytime for a pro-rated refund!

7) We’re bootstrapped and profitable – no pressure to sell

Momence has raised money from investors. While that’s great for growing the team, it’s not always great for customers. Investors expect to get their money back on a strict timeline, which means Momence is under more pressure to increase revenue and growth so they can sell.

Punchpass has bootstrapped it’s growth and we’re profitable, so there’s no outside pressure to sell the company. We can build the product and business based on what our customers want, not some outside board of investors.

Fair Play

What Momence Does Better

Every piece of software has strengths, and Punchpass is not perfect. There are a few things Momence does quite well compared to Punchpass:

  • Helping you manage leads and marketing. For an add-on fee (so this is not an apples-to-apples comparison!) Momence has a marketing suite that is integrated with the core app. Punchpass Automations are a lightweight version of this….but they aren’t as comprehensive as what Momence offers.
  • If you offer a lot of appointments, Momence offers superior booking functionality.
  • Some clients have expressed they like the look of the public Momence pages for their customers.

High fives for Punchpass

Don’t take our word for it, here’s what our customers have to say:

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no commitment, right? So it’s month to month and I can cancel or upgrade anytime?

Yep—month to month. And you can move among the plans if you need to.

What about classes I’ve recorded?

We offer a content library so you can keep your recordings protected within Punchpass.

Can I see how Punchpass will work before I cancel Momence?

Absolutely. The easiest way to get started is to begin a free trial. The trial lets you use Punchpass free for 2 weeks. We don’t take your credit card, and there’s absolutely no obligation.

It’s good to get a feel for things so you can see for yourself what it’s like before you start paying for the service. You can add a class to your schedule, add a test customer and see how it all works. If you like it, we can get your data over & you’ll be ready to go!

What would be involved in moving our information across from Momence to Punchpass?

We have helped a lot of businesses migrate, and we often hear how much easier setup is within our system. We’ve seen many clients launch while they are still in the trial!

If you download reports from Momence, we can upload them for you. We’ll help you migrate your customer data and transfer any customers who have in-progress passes still active on your account. It’s quick and easy – we generally have your data uploaded to your Punchpass account within 24 hours. And we don’t charge to import your data!

Will my schedule be fully integrated with my business website?

Yes, you will have your own schedule that you can embed on your website (and we don’t charge you for the embedding, either). Your customers will be able to sign up for classes and buy passes and memberships right from your site.

Ready to switch?

Try Punchpass for 14 days, on us. No credit card required.