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What Makes Punchpass Special? A New Team Member’s Perspective

Our newest team member, Victoria, offers her perspective on Punchpass and what makes it so special and different from the others.

April 26, 2019

Hi — I’m Victoria (THIS Victoria 😉)!

Since joining the team in December, I have learned a lot about what it’s like to start using Punchpass and how the system helps you manage group classes.

I wanted to share my experience with you and give you my impressions of Punchpass over these first few months. I think we have something unique to offer!

Victoria the cat learning how to use Punchpass :)
Me, setting up my Punchpass account

Learning Punchpass

To learn the system, I went through the same process as anyone new to Punchpass — I started a 2-week free trial. I spent time getting my (fictional) “studio” up and running, following along with the same tips we send to every trial user.

Having spent a lot of time using paper attendance sheets and outdated software in previous jobs, I was really excited by the amount of support I had creating classes, passes, and my customer list.

Once I completed a task, I got another set of directions to help with the next step!

I wasn’t overwhelmed during setup because the trial guided me through each feature.

The Friendly Option

Something you may not know about me is that I came from a very corporate environment. When I was on my job search, I was so determined to join Punchpass because every communication I had with the team was so friendly and positive! It was quite a shift from my prior workplace.

Their positivity really appealed to me from the beginning. I knew I wouldn’t have to rein in my enthusiasm when providing support to all of the wonderful people who use Punchpass to run their businesses.

Who doesn’t like a well-placed ! or !!! ? Especially when I am so excited to talk to you about a new feature or how to resolve your question 😃

Also, gifs are inevitable… especially after a good chat on a Friday!

A panda doing a friday happy dance!
Me, on a typical Friday

Support + Technical

We on the support team are constantly communicating to our tech team about what’s going on with the folks who use Punchpass every day. I think our job on support is to do the heavy lifting, but I am constantly amazed by how much the tech team does to make the system work for our clients.

I have seen our tech team add a quick feature or fix to the software on the same day that a request comes in. In my previous jobs, this would have been unheard of!

I have also seen them take the time to reach out to clients who made the request. That’s pretty amazing.


I’ve been really impressed with the strong sense of community that each member of the Punchpass team has. No matter where we call home, everyone on Team Punchpass makes an effort to connect with their local community.

We attend social groups with other entrepreneurs, build chicken coops, and take a lot of group classes!

Building a chicken coop
Here’s Michael building a chicken coop in Belgium.  Claire and her family are right on his heels as they build their own coop at home in Australia!

You may not know this about the Punchpass team, but we are not located in a single spot — our tight little team hails from Vermont, Belgium, Australia, Croatia, and Maine.  

While we connect with each other virtually, we all have our own passions that we are able to explore right on our home turf because of people like you!

Our connection to you — folks who share your expertise with YOUR community with the help of Punchpass — goes beyond business. We go the extra mile for you because we feel a strong connection with you as members of our Punchpass community!

Always Improving

Do you have a feature or change you’d like to see Punchpass embrace? We are always listening and working to make it even more user-friendly and easier for you to manage your group classes!

The tech team is currently working on the last few pages of our full update to the system (*phew*) and it’s been amazing to see how far we have come in cleaning up the design and making it even easier to learn our system from the start!

We are always interested in feedback, so let us know if you have any ideas for the team.

Thanks for checking out Punchpass!

I have loved getting to know Punchpass as the newest team member — especially because I get to spend my day chatting with our diverse and passionate users! Feel free to say “hi” in the chat. I love hearing from you all!

Victoria waving hello :)
Come by and say hello!